E011. Don't use a profession to identify yourself - Sensibly Happy Podcast

Want to change your profession, but don’t know how to find an alternative one? Here you will explore some common but erroneous patterns of making a decision. If you don’t want to make the same mistakes and pay for them for years, listen to the 11-th episode of the Sensibly Happy podcast.

What you’ll discover

  • What are different ways of changing a profession.
  • Industry standards and requirements. Are they effective?
  •  Positions’ description for a profession – don’t be fooled by it.
  • We can’t match ourselves to the position without really knowing ourselves.
  • We can be unique and still valuable.

Quotes, keynotes

The task for the next week

Remind yourself about 3 interviews that you have passed, and then try to recall questions that you received during those interviews.

  • How many of those questions and those knowledge requirements were related to real duties on a position?
  • Did they show you real priorities in your working place?
  • How many duties have you received after being approved for a position without the preliminary description, or without a discussion of those duties?
  • Was the description of the position accurate enough in comparison to real positions’ duties?
  • How substantiated is to think of a new profession based on the position description on job boards?
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